Dear Tamar,
I would like to tell you about my feeling after consuming the Opuntima capsules
twice a day.
I reached the stage of going to the bathroom almost every half an hour and I suffered
a lot but then I noticed your article and have decided to try it myself.
I am using your product already for few years and I am feeling great.
Each morning, afternoon and night pass by without me "running" to the bathroom
every once in a while.
Thanks for your article which brought me to use your product.

Dear Tamar, Just to confirm that I've received the Opuntimal, and will send you another series of emails, like last time, with payment details. I thought you might like to know how Opuntimal is working for me.
Well, for about the last 8 years I've been suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). I've had the usual symptoms, including getting up at least once or twice in the night, and also never feeling that my bladder was fully emptying.
I started to take Saw Palmetto (Latin name: Serenoa Repens) to try to cure the problem. This did work to some extent, but I never felt that I was fully emptying my bladder, even after quite long use of this remedy.
Almost 2 months ago I started taking Opuntimal. After only about 2 weeks I began to notice a stronger urine flow.
Now, after 2 months, I sense that my bladder is fully emptying. There are also no drips afterwards, which there always were before. I am therefore very satisfied! I intend to take a full dose for another 2 months, then a reduced dose thereafter. Hope your company is doing well. It deserves to be successful!With very kind regards,Peter

The letter she read on the air was from me about my job as a court stenographer where I had to ask for a recess every 45 minutes to an hour to go to the bathroom. I couldn't take court jobs because the judges always want to sit for 2-3 hours and I couldn't sit that long. Although I'm not the same as I was 20 years ago, now that I'm taking Optimal I can sit for a couple of hours without having to go to the bathroom and now I can sleep almost all night without having to get up 4-5 a night. I've been telling all my friends about it.Michael

Tamar shalom,
In my letter I want to thank you for "Optimal" .About 3
years ago I was supposed to undergo a prostate operation. Meanwhile afriend recommended me the "Optimal". As I had to undergo an operation anyhow ,I decided I have nothing to lose.
I contacted you and ordered the "Optimal" In the first 2-3 months there was no response but slowly
I have felt an improvement. Getting up less at night and urinating more evenly.
Today after 3 years I'm still taking 2 capsules daily. Today I sleep the
whole night without getting up to urinate and the flow is strong and even.
Again I thank you ,you have provided something wonderful and I
recommend every one who suffers from the same problem to try
the "Optimal"
With thanks,

To Ms. Tamar Soffer, Prisso Ltd
Shalom to Ms. Soffer,
I have started to take "Optimal" about a year ago because I had an
uneasiness in my lower abdomen and other signs which made me scared
about the prostate gland.
After one month I have felt such an improvement that all those symptoms
2 months ago I made all the tests concerning Prostate and there is no sign
of any problem with the prostate gland. I'm convinced that the "Optimal"
prevents me from such problems and I'll continue to take them-2 after
breakfast and 2 before going to sleep.Best regards

to "Prisso Ltd. Shalom,I'm very very satisfied with your capsules
Thank you.

Shalom to Ms. Soffer,I just wanted to let you know that since I take the "Optimal" capsules my level of PSA went down significantly.(From 9-1)in one and a half years.
Best regards,

I herewith certify that after I have started the treatment with "Optimal ,
my nightly visits to the toilet were reduced from 3 to none.
Yitzchak ( He is still taking 2 capsules daily from 1999 till now 2013 T. Soffer)

I have been using Opuntima for almost a year now and am in need of more.
It helps with leaking issues and urgency to pee
